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UCLan Sport and Physical Education Standards and Expectations

2024年04月24日 10:58  点击:[]


All absences should be notified before the lecture/session via the attached form. Unauthorised absences will result in the student being marked as absent.


Students should be ready to begin the lecture/session at the designated start time. This includes being in the lecture theatre/sports facility with all materials and equipment ready. Students who arrive after the register has been taken will be marked as late. In cases of extreme lateness students may be marked as absent from the lecture/session.


Students are expected to participate fully in all lectures and practical sessions. Failure to participate may lead to the student being marked as absent for that lecture/session. Students must participate in the whole session in order to be marked as present.


Injuries which prevent students from participating in practical sessions must be reported to the lecturer before the session. Long-term injuries must be reported via the attached form and must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter. Students who are physically capable of attending the session are still expected to be present.


Students should bring all necessary equipment to every session. Failure to do so will result in a warning in the first instance and subsequent failure to bring all necessary equipment may result in the student being marked as absent for that session. For practical sessions students must bring appropriate footwear for all facilities studded football boots may not be worn indoors. Water bottles should be brought to all practical sessions students will not be permitted to leave the session for drinks.


All facilities including classrooms sports facilities and other university areas should be left clean and tidy at the end of every lecture/session. This includes returning chairs and tables to their original position removing rubbish such as used water bottles and storing all equipment in the appropriate place.


Mobile phones should not be used in lectures or practical lessons other than for educational purposes with the express permission of the lecturer. Students who are found to be using phones for other reasons may have them confiscated by the lecturer for the remainder of the lecture/session.


Staff understand that students may not be able to wear UCLan kit every day if it is being washed but this should be worn whenever possible. In certain instances staff may request that students wear UCLan kit on a specific day for instance during ceremonies or for filming purposes. Lost or damaged kit should be reported to staff. Students should be dressed appropriately for the weather in practical sessions such as suncream waterproof clothing or anything else you need in order to participate fully in the session.

Further Action

The areas listed on this document are not exhaustive all disciplinary action taken during lectures/sessions is at the discretion of the lecturer. Students may be placed on Student Watch if deemed appropriate by staff. Further action may be taken by the course leader or other relevant persons at a higher level if required.

UCLan/HNU Staff

September 2019

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